Category Judges

The Montgomery County Science Fair is an opportunity for several hundred Senior High and Middle School students to think creatively, problem solve, learn how to carry out a science experiment and have some fun while doing so.  Our Fair’s success depends upon the many area scientists who volunteer to judge at the Fair. 

Many of you have judged for us in the past, and for that we most grateful.  We hope you will plan on doing so again. For those of you new to this activity, our experienced judges will tell you it is a very rewarding experience, and much appreciated by the many student participants who are very excited to tell you all about their projects. 

We encourage you to invite any interested colleagues with science backgrounds to participate as well.  An advanced science degree is not required. 

Date and Location for 2020
The Science Fair will be held on Saturday, March 21, 2020 at the FDA White Oak Campus, 10903 New Hampshire Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20993.  Awards judging will begin with check in between 8:45-9:45 AM.  Projects can be previewed 9:45-11:45 AM before students arrive at 11:45 AM.  Judging interviews will be from 1:00-4:00 PM.  Lunch and snacks will be provided.   

Registration is open October 1, 2018 to February 24, 2020.

1. All judges MUST register, even if you have judged before. 

2.  This registration is only for Category Judges.  If you are judging for an organization’s Community Award, you must register through your organization.

Category Judges are the Fair judges who determine the winners in each of the seven scientific Categories.  In addition to Category awards, many local community organizations award prizes related to their own particular interests.  Judges for these Community Awards are recruited by their organizations and must register through their own organization.

3. Judges will be assigned to judge either Senior High School or Middle School projects.  This allows us to make more efficient use of your time than our previous system.  Please indicate your preference (if any) on the registration form.  Do remember that we generally have many more Middle School projects than High School projects.

4. You are asked to choose up to three categories to judge in.  Be sure to choose ONLY ones you are willing to judge.  If you are uncomfortable choosing three different categories to judge, please just re-enter your first choice as your second and/or third choices.  Please remember that the majority of our Middle School projects are in the physical sciences so we have a great need for judges in these areas.

5. If your child is participating in the Fair this year, you MUST register for a Category different from the one your child is competing in.

Click here to Register